Monday 10 April 2017

Affiliate Marketing : Quick and Easy Way to Earn Money Online.

Source : 365 Lessons.
If you have ever searched about "How to make money online"  or "Easy ways to earn money" then you must have come across the term Affiliate Marketing. Requiring the least possible skills, it is the most lucrative way to make money. You just need an internet connection and a laptop to get started. If you have loyal contacts and followers or you are good in digital marketing then it won't take too long to get your first paycheck. Lets understand in detail what Affiliate Marketing is..

Affiliate Marketing is a form of marketing wherein the ultimate goal of the employee is to promote the company amongst more and more people, bring them to the company's website and convince them to buy their product and services. All these activities and promotional efforts are tracked and the marketer receives a commission based on the profit that the company makes because of him. So the earning in the field of Affiliate Marketing is not fixed, it depends on the number of people you bring to the website and how many of them actually buy something. In simple words you become a Broker for that company.

Affiliate Marketing is mostly used by the E-commerce companies to inform people about their new products, discounts and offers. When you enroll in any Affiliate Marketing program of any company, you will be provided with a unique URL which is used to track your performance. There is no joining fees for any Affiliate Program and the most common way companies use to pay their marketers is PayPal.

There is also a Multilevel Affiliate Marketing system in which you invite people to join affiliate programs. When they join the program they become your sub affiliate and when they make a sale they receive their commission and along with them you also get paid because your sub affiliate made a sale.

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Some tips and tricks -
  • Social media is the most common way to share your affiliate url with people. Other methods are PPC marketing, E-mail marketing or putting your link on your blog.
  • People don't like reading long and bulky texts, so while sharing your link make sure you are brief, your message is interesting and catchy and you use visuals, this will create more chances of people clicking on your link. The affiliate url which you will receive will be a long one, you can use URL shortners to shrink them.
  • As most of the affiliate products come with some discounts, so you can share your link as a discount coupon with people. This will attract more people.
  • Connecting with the right audience. Make sure you share the link of every product with the right category of people. For example - A software engineer will show less interest in sports equipments and more interest in electronic products.
  • Don't join too many affiliate programs otherwise they all will become unmanageable and you will feel burdened.
Popular Affiliate Websites - 
  1. Amazon
  2. Flipkart
  3. vCommission

So, now that you know about affiliate marketing, sign up for any program and start making money. Also share this post with your friends and let them know about it. For more interesting facts and updates of the tech world don't forget to subscribe to our newsletters (we promise we will not spam.)

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