Wednesday 5 April 2017

Neuralink : Elon Musk Planning to Connect Human Brains with Computers

Source : CNN Money
Artificial organs and machines have been into existence for quite some time now and they have helped lots of people in living a longer and healthier life. Common examples are the pacemakers and the dialysis machine, but now the CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk has launched another project named Neuralink which is aimed at merging Artificial Intelligence with human brains.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a field of Computer Science which is focused on giving human like intelligence and thinking capabilities to a computer so that it can do tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

So what exactly is Neuralink or Neural Lace?
Neuralink is another venture of Elon Musk (as if Tesla and SpaceX wasn't enough) which is aimed at creating micro-computer implants, putting them into the brain, connecting them with an external computer and communicating with them wirelessly.

Why did Elon Musk come up with such an idea?

The field of A.I. is advancing day by day which makes computers more smart and powerful. This could lead to humans left behind by a lot. To keep up with the advancement Elon Musk came up with such an idea.

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Possibilities and Advantages

With the help of Neuralink chip placed into your brain you can download your thoughts and even upload them or send them to someone else. The thinking capabilities and processing speed of the brain would be improved. We will be able to operate machines just by our brains. It would also help people in curing brain diseases such as  epilepsy, Parkinson’s and even depression. All these tasks would be done just by sending some low powered electric signals to the brain.

Risks and Disadvantages

Putting a computer chip into the brain requires a surgery on the most sensitive part of the body, the head which involves the skull and the brain. Keeping this in mind not many people would be willing to take such risks and volunteer for this project. It would not be cost effective either.

What will be the future of this technology? No one knows. For now it is just an idea and this dream of Sci-Fi fiction turning into reality does seem to come true anytime soon. Still a lot of research has to be done, some prototypes has to be made and some failures has to be faced, but the day this technology will come into existence it will be a big milestone for the mankind. 

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