Sunday 23 April 2017

Top Five Best Programming Languages For Beginners.

Most people think coding is not their cup of tea but it is just a myth, everyone can learn to code provided that they follow the right path. In today's world everything is getting digital and knowing a bit of coding will surely give you an edge over others. Coding is not what you think it is. Its not just sitting in front of a computer for hours and typing it also involves thinking and implementation. In simple words "its fun" once you get used to it.

If you are thinking of starting to learn to code you must have this question in your mind "Which language should I start with?", because there are lots and lots of options to choose from. The first language you choose to learn play a crucial role because it can go either way, if you choose a tough language having complex concepts and syntax you will end up scratching your head and eventually you will lose interest in coding. So it becomes very important to choose the right language based on your interests and needs.

Here are the top 5 languages.

Developed by MIT Media Labs Scratch is a Graphical Programming Tool and not exactly a language because you don't really write any code, there are blocks provided for every task and you just have to put them together to make a certain program. Its a great tool for beginners to get a quick idea on how coding works and develop algorithmic thinking. Although you can build some cool things using scratch but if you keep on using it you will eventually get to know about its limitations and then you you might want to move on to learning some high level languages. Get started here. See tutorials here.

Don't get scared by the term high level they are as easy as Scratch but requires some patience and remembrance . :)

This language created by Guido van Rossum is not only easy to learn but also the most popular amongst the developers. Just write print("Hello, World!") and your hello world program is ready. It teaches you about important concepts of programming such as indentation and modularity. Using its large number of frameworks you can do almost anything, for example - want to create web apps use Django, want to build desktop app use Tkinter, for image recognition you have OpenCV, for making games PyGame and the list goes on and on. Most of the big companies such as Google, Facebook, Mozilla use python.
You can start here and get tutorials here - Link 1, Link 2.

Also Read - 

Javascript was developed by Netscape Communications in the 90s. It is an untyped language which is interpreted (not compiled). Those using JS say that "You only need a browser and any text editor (of your choice), to learn JS." All modern browsers support JS and you can also type JS command directly into the browser's console. JS is mainly used for making interactive websites and webapps. It makes the Frontend of almost all websites. But its use is not only limited to frontend, with the help of framework such as Node.js you can also do Backend designing and Phonegap framework eases the task of making mobile apps using JS. Although its a new language its gaining popularity due to its simplicity both amongst developers and also in the tech industry. Here are some links to learn js - Link 1, Link 2.

Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup during the 1980s and since then and until now it is widely used. It is a general purpose programming language with object oriented features likes classes. These things make it popular amongst developers and also competitive programmers. You might have some difficulty picking it up at first but if you keep practicing you will have an in depth understanding of how things work. Start learning here - Link 1, Link 2.

Designed by Google, Go is an open source programming language (just like python) which was launched in 2009 and since then it has gained a lot of popularity in the coding world. Since its relatively new so its has only a limited community and not much in demand. Having said that its a good language for the first timers. It is easier to learn different languages once you know any one of them so do think much and get started. Learn here - Link 1, Link 2.

Hope this article was helpful. Do share with newbie coders and tell us about your favourite language in the comment section. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletters to get to know more about tech world and we promise not to spam.

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